Chelmsford and Maldon Group of Neighbourhood Watches

to report a crime anonymously

ALWAYS use 999 in an EMERGENCY

or use 101

Essex County NW Association

Safer & Stronger



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#HelpMenu Our Code of Ethics

Chelmsford Group of Neighbouorhood Watches adheres to the following Code of Ethics

Chelmsford Groups of Neighbourhood Watches (the Watch) shall conduct itself according to the following rules:

A. The Watch's principles of operating are the National Neighbourhood Watch Code of Ethics. In particular,

(a) the Watch is non-party political and its members shall not express any party political view whilst performing any Neighbourhood Watch function or whilst engaged in any such activity;

(b) the Watch shall be inclusive of all religious, ethnic, social, racial, or other such groups;

(c) the Watch shall be welcoming and inclusive to all individuals irrespective of their race, gender (including transgender, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status), pregnancy, maternity or paternity, religion or belief, or age or disability, and shall treat all people fairly and with respect, and ensure equality of opportunity for all;

(d) the Watch shall make reasonable adjustments to ensure Neighbourhood Watch activity is inclusive for all members of their local community.

B. The Watch shall ensure that the conduct of all its communications and publicity, in any form or through any medium (including social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc), is according to the principles set out in section 6 a) i., above.

b) The conduct of local Area Watches, as defined by section 5 b) above, shall be in accordance with 6 a), above.

c) If a local Area Watch does not conduct its activities in accordance with 6 a), the District Watch is dutybound to intervene to provide advice and support to ensure the Area conducts it activities accordingly. In an extreme case where an Area Watch does not conduct itself accordingly, the District may disband the Area Watch and if necessary take steps to organise a replacement Area Watch.