Neighbourhood Policing - Community Policing Teams (CPT)
Essex Police has changed its approach to neighbourhood policing (now called community policing) a few times over the past several years - mainly due to the need to reduce spending as a consequence of the various budget cuts the police have been inflicted with. Current community policing arrangements involve a team inspector, two sergeants, several police constables, police community support officers, special constables, and a youth officer. There are community meetings held once a month: you are encouraged to attend these. Click here for more information about the Chelmsford CPT.
View police summary data and priorities - hover over the image …
This summary is published each month, with more details at the community policing website:
You Said - We Did: check out the Police’s responses to our concerns - click here
Read District Commander Chief Inspector Gerry Parker on local policing
Read Detective Chief Inspector Leighton Hammett on crime prevention